
Key Dates

  • Abstract submission deadline: August 31, 2023
  • Acceptance notification: September 15, 2023
  • Early-bird registration deadline: September 30, 2023
  • Regular registration deadline: October 31, 2023
  • On-site register: November 30, 2023
  • Conference: December 1 - 2, 2023
  • Field trip (optional): December 3 - 4, 2023

Registration Fees

Type Faculty Student
Early-bird registration 4000 HKD 2500 HKD
Regular registration 5000 HKD 3500 HKD
Accompanying person 1200HKD 1200 HKD
One-day pass 1200 HKD 1200HKD
Banquet ticket 700 HKD 700 HKD
Group registration 20% off 20% off
  1. Early-bird/Regular registration covers participation of keynote lectures, parallel sessions, exhibitions, welcome reception, coffee breaks, lunches, and conference proceedings.
  2. Accompanying person registration includes participation in the welcome reception, exhibitions and coffee breaks;
  3. One-day pass is available to local Hong Kong participants and includes participation of keynote lectures, parallel sessions, exhibitions, lunches and coffee break for one day;
  4. Group registration is for groups of five or more people from the same organization or co-authors of a paper in a single registration order, and the discount does not cover the banquet;
  5. Student registration requires a copy of valid student ID card.
  6. For the ticket type, Premium Registration includes the banquet while the Standard Registration does not.
  7. Both Early-bird and Group registration discount are only for online payment.

Refund policy: Refunds are available before October 15, 2023, with a 400 HKD handling fee. No refunds will be granted after October 15, 2023.


The venue for conference registration, plenary sessions and parallel sessions are shown as below:

For any questions, please contact us at:
Tel: +852 2766 6025